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Salisbury Police

Salisbury Police on April 14 participated in two traffic safety grant programs designed to raise awareness of traffic safety hazards and to ticket drivers who do not comply with posted safety regulations.

Salisbury Traffic Safety Officer Bryan Losagio said the first detail took place during morning rush hour traffic.

"This was funded by the Lehigh County Gaming Grant, which provides funds for enforcement in the Bethlehem casino driving corridor and was focused on all types of traffic safety," Losagio said.

The second detail during the afternoon drive time, was targeted at aggressive driving by motorists.

"Funds from that grant provide overtime for officers and targeted aggressive driving behaviors," Losagio said.

"April 14 was the official kickoff day for aggressive driving enforcement and officers all across Pennsylvania were focusing on aggressive driving activity. Speeding, tailgating, illegal passing, running of red lights and stop sign regulations were enforced and our officers focused their efforts on East Susquehanna Street on the east side of our community," Losagio said.

Officers stopped a total of 23 drivers and issued 20 speeding citations; two tickets for drivers who had no license or driving on a suspended license and two citations for inspection and emissions violations.

"Prior to our aggressive driving details, we display a large orange and black sign that reads 'Aggressive Driving Enforcement'" in the area where we are set up," Losagio said. "This sign is to not only catch people's attention and encourage them to drive carefully and be more careful, but it allows motorists that see already stopped vehicles to know what is going on and perhaps get them to slow down or not run that red light.

"Aggressive driving is dangerous and is the cause of many unnecessary crashes each year," Losagio said.

"It's a preventable behavior, but one that risks everyone's safety.

"In the months to come, our department will be conducting several more traffic safety details all over our township. We will be focusing on drivers who are under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, teen and adult seat belt usage and other details designed to curb unsafe driving.

"Our goal is to help make sure township roadways are as safe as possible for our residents and visitors and our officers work hard at keeping our streets and roads safe," Losagio said.

Salisbury Police Department Detective Kevin Kress pulls onto Susquehanna Street April 14 to stop a motorist timed speeding along the roadway during an aggressive driver safety detail. PRESS PHOTO BY JIM MARSH