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Salisbury High School receives altruism award from Travelers Protective Association of America


Senior, Cheyenne McLaughlin, of Salisbury High School was selected to receive the Travelers Protective Association of America's Altruism Award for her big heart, her leadership qualities and her kind, gentle caring nature to her peers and others in the community. McLaughlin volunteers for the Best Buddies Program at her school and offers care and assistance to students with mental and physical disabilities. McLaughlin does activities with the Best Buddies students, helps them on and off the bus and offers assistance with lunch and anything else they need. McLaughlin is so loved by the Best Buddies, the staff at SHS dread telling the students McLaughlin is graduating this year, out of concern they will be so devastated to see her go. McLaughlin is honored to be inviting one of the students in the Best Buddies program to join her as her date at her senior prom this year. The staff at Salisbury determined McLaughlin serves as a constant example of altruism for those with special needs and in her community. The TPA Post L in the Lehigh Valley is a national non-profit organization and the largest post of the Pennsylvania division. SHS Counselor Lee Ann Kriner spoke of McLaughlin's dedication and awarded her the TPA Award. In addition, Judge Stephen Baratta, of Northampton County, thanked McLaughlin for her community service and personal achievements. McLaughlin plans to study special education in college and hopes to continue her passion in helping others in need. ABOVE: TPA Board member Amelia DeBellis, Cheyenne McLaughlin, Northampton County Judge Stephen Baratta and Salisbury High School Guidance Counselor Lee Ann Kriner stop for a photo following the presentation April 9.

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