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Emmaus Fire Department

In 2007 and 2009, "Money" magazine listed the Borough of Emmaus among the top 100 places to live in the United States. Much of the credit for this designation belongs to the many volunteers who have committed themselves to creating a vibrant community.

One such group, the Reiss family, has served for generations as volunteer firefighters.

The Emmaus Fire Department has its roots in several loosely organized social groups and the 1871 purchase of a man- powered hose cart. As described in George DeVault's book, Fire Call: Sounding the Alarm to Save Our Vanishing Volunteers, "By 1960 [Emmaus boasted] three fire companies and three social quarters with private bars...[frequented by] roughly 3,338 'members.'" Most merely participated as social members who never fought a fire.

The first Reiss family volunteers belonged to the minority who enjoyed the social aspects of the clubs and responded to fire calls.

According to DeVault, "Jesse Reiss … was a charter member of Citizens Fire Company No. 2, founded in 1934." Jesse's son, Henry, set a family trend by assuming the role of fire chief from 1954 to 1972. Initially, Fire Chief Reiss did not have access to a car and he was constantly on call. When the siren sounded, he ran to Fire Station No. 1.

The late night combination of the blaring siren and household commotion would rouse Henry's son Bobby. Rushing to his attic bedroom window, he determined the direction of the blaze and slipped out. From childhood on, Bobby observed firefighters in action.

At the appropriate age, Bobby volunteered. By 1972, he had acquired the skills and experience to take on the responsibilities of Emmaus Fire Chief, a role to which he dedicated himself for the next 30 years.

Of his many accomplishments as Chief, Bobby is most proud of the consolidation of Emmaus's three stations into a centrally located department. To garner support for the referendum, volunteer firefighters passed out informational fliers door-to-door and at polling places.

Central Station was dedicated May 17, 1980. Located on North Sixth Street, the station currently houses the Emmaus Fire Department and Emmaus Ambulance Corps. The structure and the equipment housed there have been continuously maintained and upgraded.

In fact, as recently as February, Rodale Press supported the department by donating the manpower and furniture to refurbish the station office.

As Pennsylvania's requirements for firefighters grew more stringent and firefighting equipment more sophisticated, Bobby kept ahead of the changes.

"We tried to do research on everything we went into," Bobby noted.

Consequently, as stated by DeVault, "Emmaus was the first fire department in Pennsylvania to have at least 75 percent of its members certified as Firefighter I."

Although he formally retired in 2001, Bobby continues to serve in an advisory capacity. His knowledge of Emmaus fire- fighting history and understanding of the evolution of firefighting techniques is unprecedented.

And the family tradition continues. Jim and John Reiss, Bobby's son and nephew respectively, first trained as junior firefighters. Although John left for several years when his children were young, he resumed volunteering and has devoted approximately 25 years to the department. John currently serves as assistant fire chief.

Jim has followed his father's lead. He moved up the ranks from regular volunteer, to rescue chief, to assistant chief and, after Bobby's retirement from active duty, to Emmaus Fire Chief.

Between juggling fire calls and volunteer training, Jim performs the administrative duties required by the department. He is involved in distributing information on fire prevention and remaining current on state mandates and the newest firefighting innovations.

Jim Reiss also oversees the training grounds on Kline's Lane. Begun in 1964, the training grounds are a work in progress which each successive chief has expanded and improved.

In total, the Reiss family has contributed over 200 years of volunteer firefighting service to the Emmaus community.

Chief Emeritus for Life, Bobby voices their motivation, "We're trying to accomplish something that's going to benefit people."

PRESS PHOTO BY BEVERLY SPRINGER Emmaus Assistant Fire Chief John Reiss, current Fire Chief Jim and Fire Chief Emeritus for life Bobby Reiss together with the portrait of the first Reiss family Fire Chief, Henry Reiss.