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Board awards road bids

Bob Milot missed the monthly meeting of the Weisenberg Township Board of Supervisors.

However, the agenda was light so the meeting was short.

The Old Route 22 road swap with PennDOT was discussed.

Roadmaster Tony Werley suggested some roads to swap but with certain conditions. A meeting has not been scheduled with PennDOT but the agency will be contacted to set a date for discussion on this matter.

A request to start the maintenance period on West Hills Court, Phase 1, was submitted by Hillwood Investment Properties.

The board was reluctant to approve this at this time and decided to table the proposal until after a meeting with the developer.

Successful bids were announced for the road materials for the upcoming season.

Eastern Industries was awarded all bids for stone, along with anti-skid, cold patch, 9.5 mm wearing course and 19.0 mm wearing course. The company also received the nod for the per ton hauling price, while E.J.B. Paving and Materials won the bid for hauling per hour.

Diesel fuel, gasoline and fuel oil bids were awarded to Lehigh Fuels, with Asphalt Maintenance Solutions receiving the bid for crack seal and A-1 Traffic Control Products obtaining the line painting contract.

In other matters, township Administrator Brian Carl, in his role as fire chief, reported the Weisenberg Volunteer Fire Company had received 73 calls since the first of the year.

The annual fire company open house is scheduled for 10 a.m.-2 p.m. on May 30. An apple dumpling sale is under way with a sign-up sheet available at the township building.

Dumplings must be ordered by April 28 for pickup May 14 at the fire station.

Carl also announced that the roof on the township building needs repair. Township personnel will handle this project.

Beitler Surveying was the low bidder for development of the stormwater management study on the township park along Lyon Valley Road.