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Student of the Week

QWhat grade are you in?

AI am in 12th grade at Emmaus High School.

Q What is your favorite subject? Why?

AMy favorite subject would have to be English, just because literature involves so many subtopics. You learn a little about psychology, sociology, philosophy, politics, culture and even smaller, but still important ideas like friendship and family. You get a lot more exposure to life and the world around you than you do in most other classes. Classes like creative writing, journalism and English have all helped me further improve my storytelling and strengthen my writing voice. That, and I love to read, if you couldn't tell.

Q Have you received any special awards or recognition?

A I received the academic achievement award my freshman and junior years for maintaining a 4.0 cumulative GPA. I also received a Silver Key at Scholastic this year for one of my art projects, a six-tile piece where each tile was done in a different medium. I titled it "Hippie Van," after the subject of the piece, a 1970s-era Volkswagen van with flowers painted on it.

Q Are you involved in any extracurricular activities?

A I've been horseback riding at Stone Field Stables since I was in elementary school and I started taking tennis lessons at Brookside Country Club the summer between my freshman and sophomore years. Now I play in a weekly clinic and I played exhibition on the Emmaus girls tennis team this fall. Sophomore year I joined the staff of Collage, the school's art and literary magazine. I have three, soon-to-be four works published in there; two poems, one play and one short story. The last two years I've been the art editor.

Q What is your next goal after high school?

A My goal after high school is to major in English at Muhlenberg College in Allentown, with a minor in creative writing and either a minor in psychology, art or both. I'd also love to study abroad for at least one semester in Paris, join my college's art and literary magazine and their newspaper. I hope to one day become a published novelist.

Q What would you say your biggest challenge has been so far?

AMy biggest challenge has been drawing the line between being a perfectionist and getting the job done. Being detail-oriented is great when writing a research paper or doing an art project but when it takes you two hours to do a family and consumer science test review, you're going into too much detail.

QWhat do you want to be remembered for?

A I want to be remembered much for the same reasons Mark Twain is remembered today. He was not only an insightful author who created classics still enjoyed today, but he was an extremely fun, clever and goofy character. He wore his college cap and gown to his daughter's wedding because he was proud of his education. He also knew he had the ability to write very well, but what he wanted to prove was he could write pieces people would enjoy reading. I'd like to be remembered in much the same way. To those who know me well, I want to be remembered as that goofy, fun character who makes them smile, but to the world I want to be an insightful, pithy author of an equally clever classic that will outlast my life.

QWho is in your family?

A My family is made up of my mom, Kelly, my dad, Robert, my sister Chelsea, my brother Chase, my dog Lucy and my cat Phoebe.

Q Do you have someone you look up to?

A Although I mentioned Mark Twain earlier, and I can say without a doubt I look up to authors like Harper Lee, Jane Austen and Sylvia Plath, I've been saying since middle school I want to be like Sarah Dessen. Dessen is a modern novelist who has written close to 20 novels and who is by far my favorite author. I love the quirky, charming, misfit characters she creates and the way in which she weaves together their stories. I'd say I mimic her style and topic choice the most out of all other authors, probably because I love her works so much.

Q Do you have any advice for your peers?

A Get involved! This school is full of amazing opportunities if you take the time to look for them. And don't do it just to fill up blank space on your resumes. Do it to get the experience, to have fun and to do what you love. I feel like I missed out by focusing so much on my schoolwork and not much else.