Published April 15. 2015 12:00AM
Sharon Trexler, borough manager, advised borough council at the April 8 meeting, no bids were received for the handicapped portion of Third Street and, according to Ott Consulting, borough engineer, Lehigh County wants five bids. At the suggestion of Councilperson David Lehr, council members approved asking for an extension of time.
Due to the bad weather this past winter, several borough streets need repair. Maintenance submitted a list for approval totaling $3,000 to repair Flint Hill Road and Second Street damaged by the road lifting and School Street where damage was due to a water leak.
The maintenance department crews found a leak in a PRV valve manhole on Chestnut Street and have marked areas needing repair around town. Meanwhile, the new dump truck should be ready in three weeks, the police vehicles have been inspected and the batting cage and volleyball net have been put in place. An electrician replaced the service and installed a new line at Lockridge Church.
At the suggestion of Lehr, council approved moving ahead with taking total ownership of the bird sanctuary with a quick claim deed, the least expensive way to do this.
Council reviewed the monthly police report listing 104 incidents with two police officers being injured.
"There's a lot going on here. It's not the quiet town everybody thinks it is," Mayor Kathleen Palmer said.