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Heritage Foundation receives update on Leaser Lake progress

The meeting of the Leaser Lake Heritage Foundation opened with Chairman George White announcing the lake is almost full.

The current water level, which is about 5 feet from the anticipated final height, is rising steadily, but as it rises, it takes longer to fill.

White also noted when the water level was low, thick ice encased some of the underwater fish habitat structures, which were dislodged by the ice.

The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission will remove the damaged structures and try to salvage what it can for possible use.

Fishing will be catch and release only except for trout.

Foundation members John Higgins and Mike McCarthy gave an update on the progress of the nesting boxes.

Cub Scout Pack 66 from Breinigsville and Cub Scout Pack 588 of New Tripoli assembled and will erect 75 nesting boxes for the lake's abundant bird life.

Some boxes will be monitored four to five days per week for eight weeks when they are inhabited.

The foundation is looking for volunteers to help with this project.

Leaser Lake is the No. 1 birding site in Lehigh County with 207 different birds sighted.

Scouts will also be preparing plaques to attach to the monitored birdhouses.

A request was also made to identify the trees and shrubbery along the trail with plaques.

Houses will be placed along the trail with some on the island.

Boy Scout Luke White, Troop 104, Krumsville, will be constructing kiosks at the park, in late spring or early summer, as his Eagle Scout project.

Kiosks will consist of three sections, each describing some aspect of the park.

The first one will be erected at the west parking lot.

He is open for additional suggestions for his project.

George White said the plans are complete for the kayak launch, accessible fishing area and paving of a section of the trail.

The foundation is currently seeking contractors who might be interested in submitting a proposal to construct these components.

Permits must be obtained and authorization must be granted by the Fish and Boat Commission and Lehigh County.

An anticipated ribbon cutting ceremony will take place June 27, sponsored by the Kempton Lions Club.

The group has sufficient funding for these projects but would like to obtain more for future projects.

The second 5K run will take place Oct. 24. Sponsors are needed.

The trees in the lake, which grew out when the lake water level was low, were addressed.

Some were removed while others will remain for fish habitat.

A work party was scheduled over the weekend to remove some of the litter. No power tools were allowed for the clean up..

The group cleaned up the areas around each parking lot.

A short discussion on installation of a webcam ensued. One might be installed in a wood duck nest with others possible at other sites.

The next meeting of the foundation is scheduled for 7 p.m. May 28 at the west parking lot.