Volunteers are needed for the Great American Cleanup Day 9 a.m. April 11 at Macungie Memorial Park.
Ordinance 2015-03, the Police Department Mutual Aid Agreement, was passed by unanimous vote at the April 6 meeting. The agreement authorizes Alburtis and Macungie police departments to provide and receive mutual aid and assistance from one another.
Council member Roseann Schleicher announced the street lights proposed for Lehigh Street are estimated at $2,685 each. An anonymous donor is willing to buy three and town beautification the fourth. The committee proposed the borough allow the Public Works staff to install the lights, which would entail also some materials for building foundations. The Macungie Memorial Park will pay for electricity used by the lights.
Schleicher reported there would be no time limit or pressure on the Public Works team. Council was agreeable given a written commitment from the park stating an intention to pay for utilities going forward was provided.
Regarding Cotton Street, the borough solicitor and council member John Yerman met with residents affected by temporary construction easements to talk about the road project. Some property owners have sent in revisions to the agreement and others have signed, so it is in process.
As for the Church Street traffic light, Becker produced a list of costs to be associated with decorative poles for the traffic light. The costs run from $32,750 to $54,150. If the borough only went so far as to paint the otherwise plain galvanized metal a different color, the cost would be an additional $6,500, of which 10 percent has been donated. The idea, Becker mentioned, would be eventually the other two traffic signals would be brought to match in their own ornamentation as well.
A decision will not be reached on the matter immediately. Decorative poles could be put into the bid for the project as an option.
A list of streets for repair has been presented and adopted as a guideline for the next 17 years. The list was produced at council's request by Public Works Supervisor Tracy Smith, and this year's dockets include Apple Alley between Hay and Locust streets and Railroad Alley which include Lemon Alley, according to Schleicher. She reported the work is over budget for the year but Smith is eager to get it done as the streets are in bad condition.
For 2016 the list includes parts of Hickory Street, Fairview Street and Miller Alley. For 2017, Depot Alley, Hickory Street, Pine Street, Hay Street and Fern Street.
John Yerman urged council to consider this kind of road repair and maintenance as an expense to plan on every year, not a discretionary capital item.
Three new appointments were approved as well by council. For planning commission: Chris T. Becker, currently serving on borough council; for Macungie Institute Board of Trustees, Greg Hutchison, also on borough council; and for zoning hearing board, John Schlener.
Resolution 2015-05 for the disposition of municipal records was passed without much comment of dissent. It is a standard resolution done regularly to allow for documents in the borough's possession to be properly shredded according to procedure.
The Memorandum of Understanding with the Lehigh County Conservation District, now on the agenda for some time, has finally reached approval. Boehm pointed out for the record the borough had an MOU with the LCCD prior to this. The LCCD will be helping the borough and other neighboring municipalities with a stormwater management plan and enforcement, among other things.