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Easter is this Sunday, and what would Easter be without the annual Easter egg hunt in Vera Cruz sponsored by the Vera Cruz Community Association. This year's event will be held promptly 1 p.m. April 4 at Mystic Chain Park, Main Road East, Vera Cruz.

All children up to age 12 are invited to participate. Special prizes will be awarded. For more information, call 610-967-5432.

Ham and dandelion dinners are traditionally a sign of spring. In keeping with the tradition, Old Zionsville UCC Church, 5981 Fountain Road, Old Zionsville, will hold a family style, all you can eat ham and dandelion/endive dinner 4 to 7 p.m. April 11.

The menu includes ham, potatoes, dandelion/endive with hot bacon dressing, green string beans, applesauce, rolls, coffee, tea and dessert. There is a charge for guests six and over. For information, call 610-966-5115.

The dinner is sponsored by the outlook committee at the church. The outlook committee is also sponsoring an all-you-can-eat breakfast buffet 7 to 11 a.m. April 18. Start your day with good food and great fellowship. For information, call 610-966-5115.

April, with spring cleaning and Earth Day, is also a great month for cleanup. Upper and Lower Milford townships are both holding cleanup events this month. Upper Milford is cooperating with Emmaus in a community cleanup 8:30 a.m. to noon April 18. Participants will gather 8:30 a.m. at Emmaus Community Park, Shimerville Road and South 14th Street, to organize and get to work. Volunteers will return to the park for lunch and educational community fun. Electronics recycling will also be available at the park during the event. Some fees apply.

Lower Milford Township will hold a cleanup day 8 a.m. to noon April 25. Lunch is provided.

Volunteer to help by calling Rich Kinsey at 610-967-4949, ext. 112.

Upper Milford Fire Company, Route 100, Old Zionsville, usually serves breakfast the first Sunday of every month. However, there will be no breakfast in April due to the Easter holiday. The next breakfast will be 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. May 3. There are senior, adult and children's prices. For information, call the fire company at 610-966-3541 or Carol Shade, 610-966-3902.

The Ladies Auxiliary meets 7 p.m. April 7 at the firehouse. New members are always welcome.

Lower Milford Fire Company, 1601 Limeport Pike, will hold its pork and sauerkraut dinner 4:30 to 7 p.m. April 9 or until sold out. Eat in or take out.

The fire company will hold a chicken pot pie dinner 4:30 to 7 p.m. April 30 and a breakfast 8 a.m. to noon April 26.

St. Peter's Union Church, Macungie, will be the beneficiary of a Family Fun Night April 21 at Friendly's Restaurant in Trexlertown. St. Peter's will receive 10 percent of all sales between 5 and 8 p.m.

Upper Milford supervisors will meet April 2 and 16, with a workshop scheduled 7 p.m. and the regular meeting 7:30 p.m.

The Upper Milford Recreation Commission meets the third Thursday of the month, January through November.

The Emmaus-Upper Milford Joint Environmental Advisory Council meets 7 p.m. the fourth Monday of the month, alternating between Emmaus and Upper Milford. The next meeting is scheduled April 27 in Emmaus.

The Upper Milford Historical Society will meet 7 p.m. April 30. Bill Roy, owner of the historic building housing the Vera Cruz Store, will talk about the store's colorful history. The public is welcome and refreshments will be served. For information, call president Neil Moser at 610-966-4376.

Following is the schedule of Lower Milford April meetings. All meetings are 7:30 p.m. in the township building unless otherwise noted: Supervisors: workshop April 2; regular meeting April 16; recreation and open space: April 8; historical commission: April 14.

If you have news or information for this column, which runs the first Wednesday of every month, please call me at 610-838-8923 or email me at bruce. swan@rcn.com.

My deadline is the Wednesday prior to publication.