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Seniors have a 'hoppin' good time'

Winter drifts into spring, and signs of the season emerge: daffodils, robins and bunnies – specifically Easter bunnies.

On March 24 the Easter Bunny made a special guest appearance at Macungie's Bear Swamp Diner.

Mr. Bunny led a group of friends who have dubbed themselves the Lower Macungie Walkers in seasonal festivities.

The group members first connected through a shared interest in walking for exercise. They now walk together during the Lower Macungie Community Center's Tuesday "Walk and Talk" session. In addition, every other Tuesday the walkers end their program with breakfast at the Bear Swamp Diner.

To keep the spring in their step, the walkers, all of whom have accrued an impressive number of birthday candles, make time to play. They take turns arranging a monthly restaurant lunch followed by dessert at a member's home.

To celebrate the Christmas season, they warbled "The Twelve Days of Christmas" for the Bear Swamp's other patrons and staff.

With Easter on the horizon, they have bounded into spring.

During their most recent breakfast gathering, the Easter Bunny, courtesy of Macungie's Fire Company #1 and diner owners Cheryl Benner and Emilio Orna, led the walkers in singing a modified version of "Here Comes Peter Cottontail" and performing the Bunny Hop. Everyone present had a rousing good time.

In reference to the Walkers' various activities, Bob Jones, the group's unofficial leader and provider of bunny ears, indicated he and his friends are "... just happy" [and hoppy] to be there."

PRESS PHOTOS BY BEVERLY SPRINGER The Lower Macungie Walkers, left to right around the table, include Bob Jones, Barbara Theel, Gloria Featherstone, Dottie Ross, the Easter Bunny, Bill Theel, Walter Ross, Lillian Epstein, Josephine Mohan, Geneva Bath and Joan Jones.