Published April 01. 2015 12:00AM
To the Editor;
Thank you to East Penn and Salisbury Press Editor Debbie Galbraith in the March 26 edition of the Northwestern Press for stating what so many of us believe in her Editor's View titled, "Leave the County Seal Alone..."
Groups like the Freedom From Religion Foundation have one goal in mind. They want to erase every trace of our nation's Christian heritage.
Sadly, they, and other groups like them, have already succeeded in erasing it completely from the history books our children and grandchildren are using in public schools.
As she stated, "If we don't stand up to these groups, I believe we will continue to see the freedom of religion clause of our Constitution disappear."
Yes, it's time for us to wake up and act. We need to remind ourselves of the great sacrifices our Founding Fathers made to establish our great nation– a nation founded on Christian principles.
It's a very moving experience to see Biblical quotations on the walls of our nation's Capitol, and also our state Capitol. Our forefathers knew it was only by God's provision they were able to accomplish what they did.
Oh, what would our forefathers say about our complacency on this issue today? What would they say about our excuse we don't want to offend anyone?
Come on! As she said, "If you don't like a cross in the middle of a county seal, don't look at it."
Thankfully, there are some Christian organizations to help communities nationwide threatened by these groups.
We, personally, are familiar with American Center for Law and Justice, and also, Alliance Defending Freedom. There may be others.
We need to take a stand now.
Ronald and Susan Hartman