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Resident questions board regarding vehicles parked on streets

Resident Troy Markell recently asked Washington Township supervisors for clarification of the ordinance forbidding unregistered, unlicensed and uninspected cars from being parked on streets.

The response by the zoning officer can include tagging, warning or towing vehicles, said Supervisor Josh Friebolin.

He said it is one of Emerald's biggest problems because there is not enough parking for legal vehicles.

Markell said he had filed a complaint five months ago about vehicles blocking the drive at St. Peters Church. Friebolin said he would bring it up to the zoning officer.

Markell asked if it would take five months before he was asked to move his vehicles as it is five months since he filed the complaint.

"You have conflicting rules, one for the church and one for the rest of the town. Why are we being treated differently?" he asked. "Everything we did was approved by the zoning officer.

"Your permitted use is as a church, not as a distribution center," said Friebolin. St. Peter's stores food and distributes it to various food pantries.

Markell was prevented from further questioning when Solicitor John Ashley said his three minutes for public comment were used.

Financial reports were received from the Slatedale Athletic Association and the annual $500 contribution to the association was released.

The Sanctuary at Haffsville was named for animal control. Friebolin said they did an excellent job handling dogs returning them to their owners or adoptive homes and cats are trapped, spayed or neutered and returned. There is a cap of $600 for a year's service.

The following junkyard licenses were renewed: Clay Sauerwine, Kathy Jones, Anthony and Victor Hanna, Jack Follweiler and Craig Yeanish. There is a fee of $50.

Friedens Fire Chief Joel Merkel said during the heavy snowstorm two fire trucks were stuck on Smith Hill Road and an ambulance could not get through. Roadmaster Tom Dengler came to their aid.