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Salisbury High School held its first college information evening March 10 primarily for junior students and their parents; however the event was open to anyone in the district.

School counselors Michael Anderson, Lee Ann Kriner and Shannon Stokes provided valuable information on college and university searches, the application process, SAT and ACT testing and transcripts, National Collegiate Athletic Association scholarships and financial aid.

A question and answer period was also available with a panel of college representatives including, Kate McNally, DeSales University; Irma Aquirre, Kutztown University; Deanna Reiter, Lehigh Carbon Community College; Krista Evans, Lehigh University; Alyson Remsing, Moravian College and Michael Damweber, The Pennsylvania State University - Lehigh Valley Campus.

Student Mackenzie Groff also spoke about the process of applying for college and offered advise to juniors.

Representatives from Wells Fargo provided packets of information for families attending and were available to answer questions following the presentation.

For families starting the college search, Kriner said to visit www.careercruising.com and use the username: SSHS and the password: falcon. This free service asks a series of questions about the student's interests, desired location to attend college, budget and other data needed to provide the student with a listing of colleges matching the criteria entered.

Anderson said for students unsure on a career choice, they should consider attending LCCC to be fiscally responsible.

Once a few colleges have been selected, counselors suggested taking advantage of visits colleges and universities make to the school or take a trip to the school campus. Most often, if you visit the college or university, the institution will waive the application fee which can range from $25 to $75 or more.

Counselors also advised attending college fairs. Emmaus High School has a college fair scheduled 6 p.m. April 30 where a number of schools attend to talk about their programs. LCCC has a scheduled open house April 9. Both DeSales University and Moravian have open houses April 11. Kutztown University has open houses scheduled for May 3 and July 11. Damweber said Penn State University - Lehigh Valley campus has open houses scheduled for July and August and encouraged potential students to visit the website for exact dates at www.lv.psu.edu.

At the college fairs, students should request an interview with an admissions counselor. Students were advised to be aware of NCAA regulations when talking to coaches.

Evans said often the admissions counselors who visit the schools are the same counselors who will review the student's applications.

Kriner said the student's first impression often is the application so it is very important the admissions counselors get to know the student.

Most colleges encourage electronic applications and some waive the fee if applying online. Visit www.commonapp. org/login to apply as approximately 500 schools are tied to the site. Counselors advised students to be aware of supplemental information needed for applications and to be aware of deadlines.

Students were advised to apply early and know the application deadlines for the schools they are considering.

Regarding recommendations from teachers, students should personally ask the teachers if they would be willing to write a letter of recommendation in May or June and if so, find out which email they will use since teachers have multiple email addresses.

Admissions counselors talked about early decisions and how they are legally binding. Not all schools have early decision. Early decision applications are due Nov. 1.

Counselors said some schools have early action and those applications are due between Nov. 1 and 15. All early action applications are non-binding and the student is not required to commit until May 1.

Aquirre said Kutztown University begins reviewing applications Sept. 1 and visual and performing arts and education majors fill up quickly. Regular admission applications at Kutztown are due between Jan. 15 and Feb. 1, 2016.

DeSales, LCCC and Penn State have rolling admissions.

Moravian has early decisions and regular admissions. Nursing students have different re- quirements and music majors must audition.

Transcripts will be sent by the guidance department to the college or university requested; the first three are sent online at no charge. Additional transcripts are an additional cost. The guidance department asks for two weeks notice to send.

The entire presentation is available on the guidance website for the high school at www.stsd. org.

PRESS PHOTOS BY DEBBIE GALBRAITH Kate McNally, DeSales University, Irma Aquirre, Kutztown University and Deanna Reiter, Lehigh Carbon Community College answer questions from the audience during the college information evening March 10.