Several resolutions were approved for the Fields at Indian Creek at the March 19 Lower Macungie Township Board of Commissioners meeting. This project is shared with the Borough of Emmaus and Upper Milford Township. It will be a 218-unit active adult community and is in the area around the turnpike. Some modifications may occur with the widening of the turnpike and replacement of the bridge.
The resolutions include lot consolidation, land development for the project and the sewer planning module.
Traffic improvements will be considered including a light at Chestnut and Allen streets. Also being considered is a light at Indian Creek and Brookside Road.
There was a Conditional Use Hearing for Grandview Crossings. This development is north of the Borough of Macungie and will include a 75,000-square foot Weis Market, a gas station and apartments. The gas station will not be a 24-hour station and there will be no overnight parking in the parking lot.
Woodmont Properties and Weis Markets are creating a pedestrian friendly development with sidewalks and bike paths. Bike racks will be included at building locations. Outdoor dining areas are planned. The apartments to be constructed will be one, two or three bedrooms with the majority two bedroom units.
For further information and details, check the Lower Macungie Township website at www.lowermac.com.
There was a discussion about creating a round-about at Willow Lane and Sauerkraut intersection.
Commissioners James Lancsek, Ryan Conrad and Brian Higgins are against this project believing it is not safe for pedestrians. The concern would be for the children since it is around a school. The area is also considered a floodplain.
Commissioners Ron Beitler and Douglas Brown are in favor of the idea, saying the round-abouts are considered safe. There was no vote on this.
A resident on Orchard Road is experiencing deer problems. Deer are on her property often and leave behind eaten vegetation and feces. She suggested some methods for downsizing the population such as birth control, fencing or bow and arrow hunting. The suggestions will be presented to the Public Safety Commission.
The distribution of free newspapers is being considered litter. If a newspaper is delivered, not ordered and left on the driveway, a photo will be taken and a letter will be written. If there is no response, upper management will be contacted. It is against the township ordinance. The state police are also being contacted for further suggestions.
There was a resolution presented for a trail signal on Spring Creek Road. It was suggested either a push button or a motion detector be used.
Macungie Police Chief Edward Harry sent a letter to the township requesting use of roads for a detour due to the Memorial Day Parade. This is an annual event and the request was approved.
There will be another town meeting March 31 conducted by Commissioner Brian Higgins.