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Salisbury Township will contribute $336,325 to the township police pension plan in 2015.

The township police will also contribute 2.54 percent of their annual compensation to the police pension plan in 2015.

Township commissioners voted unanimously 5-0 to approve the amounts following a motion by Commissioner Joanne Ackerman, seconded by Commissioner Vice President Debra Brinton.

The contribution amounts are based on a police pension consultant hired by the township who prepared an actuarial report. The amount contributed by the township is called the minimum municipal obligation.

In other business at the Feb. 26 township meeting, commissioners voted 5-0 to approve:

- Todd J. Bushta of Bushta & Co., Bethlehem, as the 2014 township auditor at a cost of $12,500. Ackerman made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Robert Martucci, Jr.;

- Conditional use for a seasonal flower tent on the South Mall parking lot. Ackerman made the motion, seconded by Brinton. The township planning commission voted unanimously 7-0 to recommend approval at its Feb. 10 meeting.

James Pompa of Cornerstone Consultant Co., LLC, was granted the use for five years. Pompa rents the site from Nicholas Park Mall, LLC, owner, South Mall.

A flower sales tent has operated there for 14 years. It will operate 9 a.m. -to 6 p.m. seven days a week during the Easter, Mother's Day and Memorial Day seasons. Atty. John W. Ashley conducted the conditional use hearing as part of the township meeting.

- A $5,000 payment to the United States Department of Agriculture for its Canada Geese management program in Laubach Park. Martucci made the motion, seconded by Commissioner James Seagreaves. Martucci said the population of geese has been greatly reduced during the program's seven years. "At this point it's just a maintenance program and it will probably remain that for a few years," Martucci said.

- A Valley Mountain Bikers race June 28 in Walking Purchase Park. Martucci made the motion, seconded by Seagreaves. "They have done an excellent job in the past few years," Township Manager Randy Soriano said of the mountain bike nonprofit group.

- Walking Purchase Park cleanup April 26. Ackerman made the motion, seconded by Brinton. Soriano noted the park cleanup would fulfill one of the MS4 requirements. The cleanup must also be approved by Lehigh County and Allentown, which administer the park with Salisbury. There was no cleanup last year. During a previous cleanup, five dumpsters of debris was collected.

The park is part of the township master plan for improvements. "We are not able to put up gates because Constitution Drive is a public road," Soriano said. "But we did install cameras, which are monitored by the police. I'd hate to beautify the park and still have the dumping."

In other business, Soriano announced:

- The public hearing for the new township zoning ordinance will be held as part of the 7 p.m. March 12 township meeting. The zoning ordinance can be reviewed on the township website.

- A meeting on the proposed six-acre expansion of a Bethlehem landfill will be held 7 pm. March 11 at Se-Wy-Co Fire Company, 3621 Old Philadelphia Pike, Bethlehem. Topics to be discussed are DEP oversight, environmental assessment and zoning concerns. Salisbury officials were alerted because of the landfill's proximity to east side township residents.

- Lehigh County had a first reading of the township's $150,000 Community Development Block Grant application for an East Montgomery and East Lynnwood streets and East Wayne and Cypress avenues sanitary sewer rehabilitation project. Township commissioners voted at the Jan. 22 township meeting to authorize Soriano to apply for the grant, with the township providing a 10 percent funding match.