Published March 04. 2015 11:00PM
Hald die Ohre uff, awwer schwetz wennich.
Hold your ears open, but say little.
Saag mir mit wem du gehscht un ich saag dir wer du bischt.
Tell me who you go with [friends] and I will tell you who you are.
Ziegels Union Church will offer midweek Lenten services March 11 and 18 beginning with a soup meal at 6 p.m. and worship at 7 p.m.
If you are interested in exercise, Zumba classes are offered 6 p.m. Mondays. Bring a towel and water.
Call the church office at 610-285-6157 to inquire about the fee and any other information needed.
The library at Weisenberg Lowhill Township Historical Society, 4585 Werleys Corner Road, will be open for a genealogy workshop 10 a.m.-4 p.m. March 14.
Bring a bag lunch, along with a laptop computer (not necessary), questions, information and enjoy good fellowship for the day.
For information, call Deb at 610-285-2693 or Gloria at 610-395-0763.
The deadline to order Market Day food is on March 18. Pickup is scheduled for March 24 at Weisenberg Elementary School.
To order, go to and enter code 24729 to order delicious items for the family.
Call 610-751-2475 or go to for more information.
Mach's gut,
Mary Bittner Henry