Some Upper Milford residents are concerned and confused by changes by Service Electric to their cable television service, township supervisors said at the Feb. 19 meeting.
Service Electric, the township's exclusive cable provider, is going totally digital and has informed customers they need a new box to access their cable. The box for the first television in a household is free, but customers must pay for a box for each additional television.
"And they should," supervisor Robert Sentner said.
Sentner said some residents have complained to him about the changes and resident Francis Caputo said some are just confused, particularly older customers.
The township's contract with Service Electric, for which it receives $100,000 annually, expires in 2017.
Township manager Daniel DeLong said a Service Electric representative is planning to attend the March 19 supervisors meeting.
Sentner wondered whether it is worth looking into the issue because "that industry is changing so fast."
Caputo urged supervisors to look into the possibility of finding an additional cable provider. Right now, he said, Service Electric has no competition. "They'll do what they want to do," he said.
Resident Jerry Schmeltzle also asked supervisors to take a look at other cable options.
In other business last week, Emergency Management Coordinator William Stahler told the board the updated emergency operations plan is almost ready. The fire company rosters are ready, he said, but the companies are still working on listing their resources.
Sentner said the issue should be kept on the agenda and revisited soon.
Supervisors also:
ŸAccepted, with thanks, the resignation of David Hill from the Zoning Hearing board. His term would have expired at the end of 2017.
ŸHired Jessi O'Donald as a part-time administrative office employee at a rate of $24 per hour.
ŸAdopted an ordinance approving the township's entering into the updated Southwestern Lehigh County comprehensive plan.