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St. Ann Honor Roll

St. Ann School, Emmaus, announces students named to the honor roll for the second marking period.


Grade 8: Joseph Collura, Sarah Demchak, Sydni Ernst, Michael Fleck, Isabella Freemont, Kellee Heydorn, Emily Kidd, Sydney Loeper, Maria Romero

Grade 7: Alex George, Ava Grapsy, Lindsey Husband, Jack Maccari, Mark Magee, Jack Mallon, Nicholas Thoma, Daniel Thomulka, Nicole Tormann

Grade 6: Sarah Boardman, Patrick Donohue, David Fleck, Grace Gibbons, Allison Heydorn, Zachary Hoffman, Laura Kidd, David Kreidler, Matthew Magee, Julia Vicario

Grade 5: Leah Butler, Jacob Demchak, Jack Freemont, James Manley, Jaxsen Miller, Annabelle Penchishen, Jonathan Romero, Gabriella Rutch, Sophia Servagno, Peyton Sisonick, Nina Tormann


Grade 8: Michaela Bitting, John Borelli, Jacob Dyche, Bridget Lilly, Jarrett Moore, Jonah Stern, Gina Vicario, Katherine Weikel, Cole Wilkins

Grade 7: Shane Artis, Matthew Bendekovits, Ruby Binder, Katherine Gill, Brian Horoshko, Kelsey McArdle, Isabella Munoz, McKie Nicholson, Anne Purtell, Emily Wainwright

Grade 6: Diego Colon, Christina Colosimo, James Debus, Haley Dikeman, Liam Durso, Madison Friend, Makenzie Krasley, Karen Larrota, Olivia Omernik, Katherine Phillips, Juliana Romero, Fara Rumbalski

Grade 5: Kyle Artis, Allison Carr, Simon Ernst, Lance Farnschlader, Riley Horoshko, Hailey Huck, Jordyn Klotz, Ben LaFaver, Samantha Loeper, Tierna Moore, Michaella Moyer, Aidan Tarafas, Maryann Youssif