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LOWER MACUNGIE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Approved fire study will include plans for the future

Lower Macungie Township Fire Chief Dave Nosal has proposed a fire study for the township.

His recommendation is to hire Dr. Harry Carter who was introduced at the Feb. 5, 2015, board of commissioners meeting.

Carter said the study will include plans for the future with several solutions and will include discussions with neighboring municipalities. The cost is $22,500.

Carter has 50 years experience in fire department knowledge including fire fighting as well as municipal fire protection. The study was approved.

The plan for the Wolbach two lot subdivision was approved with Commissioner Brian Higgins voting against the plan. Higgins said he is against the plan due to the process. Solicitor Richard Somach said all fees must be paid by Wolbach.

Mark Spengler, a township resident, wrote a letter of support for farmland preservation. The Lichtenwalner farm, the Muse farm and the Dorney property are all potential locations for preservation. Spengler also mentioned Commissioner Ron Beitler as consistently supporting this issue and Commissioner James Lancsek for supporting the preservation of these properties.

A resident wrote a message of thanks for snow plowing but there are others who complained. One such comment was addressed about corners where there are ADA ramps. The ramps are covered with piles of snow from plowing making them unusable. This will be investigated.

Township Manager Bruce Fosselman said 6,220 residents received weather emergency phone calls. There were 200 residents warned. Fosselman said he was pleased with the outcome of the first weather emergency of the year with new procedures.

Of continuing concern, is distribution of The Merchandiser newspaper. The papers are being thrown on the driveways, snowed on, then snowblowers are getting jammed due to these papers. The distribution of these papers in this fashion is being considered litter.

Several upcoming events are on the calendar including the Cherries, Chocolate and Jazz event at the Lower Macungie Township library Feb. 21. There is also a barn exposition March 22 and a shredding event April 25, partnered with the office of state Rep. Ryan MacKenzie,R-134th.

The detention pond off of Willow Street, near the firehouse and elementary school, will be converted from a dry bottom to a wet bottom. This will be accomplished with vegetation and was approved. There is some opposition due to the possibility of attracting mosquitoes.

The barn at Camp Olympic is set for renovation. Some of the renovations include gutters, insulation, restrooms and windows. Bids have been received and were awarded to lowest bidder.

The agreement between Lower Macungie Youth Association and Lower Macungie Township was approved. This is a land use agreement and has been revised after a rather lengthy period of time. For details, refer to township website.

Plans are proceeding for playground equipment for Camp Olympic. Also proposed is a pump park which is a park for bicyclists featuring trails for negotiating turns or jumps.

Plans are moving forward for the artificial turf field at Quarry Park. It has been proposed to seek the services of a cooperative purchasing network to determine which is the best company suited to Lower Macungie Township.