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East Penn School district Board adopts a preliminary 2015-2016 budget

The East Penn School Board adopted the proposed preliminary budget for 2015-2016 at its Feb. 9 meeting. The budget includes a proposed 5.20 percent real estate tax increase with exceptions.

Applying for exceptions allows the district to exceed the state's tax increase index. It was mentioned at the board's last meeting, held in January, the administration recommended applying for as many exceptions as possible with the hope some exceptions would not be necessary to take for the final budget.

This is only one more step in the budget process and by no means a final one. School districts are required to present a preliminary proposed budget to the state by Feb. 23. The current proposed date for final budget adoption is June 22, scheduled tentatively with a presentation at the May 11 meeting.

The budget was approved by all board members except Lynn Donches.

The proposed preliminary budget shows a revenue figure of $130,598,252 and a total expenditure figure of $138,985,873. The ending uncommitted fund balance is $2,087,582 if the budgetary reserve is not spent a drop of more than $4 million from the current budget year. Both costs and revenue have increased from those of the current budget year.

Denise Torma, assistant superintendent, presented the board with the district's proposed comprehensive plan.

The plan is a state requirement and has been in formulation for some months. Torma reviewed details of its development with the board last October [2014]. The board approved membership of the planning committee in November [2014] and since then meetings have taken place at regular intervals.

The goals of the comprehensive plan are as follows:

ŸStrengthen the EPSD academic systems to ensure the consistent implementation of effective instructional practices districtwide;

ŸStrengthen the EPSD adademic system to ensure staff members use standards-aligned assessments to monitor student achievement and adjust instructional practices;

ŸImplement district technology in support of curricular and instructional goals using clearly defined processes and guidelines for selecting technology that integrates with existing and future direction of instructional technology;

ŸTo obtain accurate and reliable perceptual data from students, staff and parents using a research-based tool as part of a continuous improvement process;

ŸTo create a school board policy for student attendance.

The plan as outlined for the board also lists "action steps" to be taken with each goal.

The steps include general collection of data, providing professional development for staff and leadership, the establishment of a technology committee, finding an outside consultant to create a survey and outline district needs and the drafting of a new board policy.

The plan is slated to be posted for public viewing Feb. 23, after the committee has met again.

The goal is to approve and submit the final plan in March.

The bond refunding presentation regarding general obligation bonds shown on the board's agenda was canceled.