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Alburtis Borough Council Council adopts intergovernmental cooperation agreement

The conditional use hearing with the borough and New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC d/b/a/ AT&T scheduled Feb. 11 was cancelled.

David Knerr, borough solicitor, advised council he was waiting to get comments on legal technicalities but instead got business aspects of the deal.

The original request from Cingular was for 960 square feet and Cingular was willing to pay $2,000 a month. Now the company wants 10,000 square feet and will pay $2,200 a month.

"This is not going to work," Steve Hill, council president, said.

Hugh Heckman, of Walnut Street, commented the area would interfere with playing at the field and this is important to the athletic department and the kids who use the area in the summer.

Following a brief discussion, borough council granted an extension of time.

Council approved Resolution No. 2015-2 appointing Borough Manager Sharon Trexler as voting delegate and Tracy Malinowski and John Aleszczyk as alternate voting delegates to the tax collection committee for the Lehigh County Tax Collection District.

Council adopted Ordinance No. 527 authorizing Alburtis Borough to enter into an intergovernmental cooperation agreement with the boroughs of Emmaus and Macungie and the townships of Lower Macungie, Lower Milford and Upper Milford and to revise the comprehensive plan as outlined in the ordinance. Councilperson John Aleszczyk opposed adopting the ordinance. The rest of council voted yes.

Council approved a motion to release from escrow all funds connected with the Glenn's Woods Saucon Valley Custom Homes, Inc.

Council unanimously approved a new police mutual aid agreement with Macungie Borough replacing agreements of 1978 and 2002. Alburtis Police Chief Robert Palmer advised council the borough now has a full working police force.

Council approved Palmer's request to spend $250 to purchase 500 pencils to give to kids, which will last a few years.

Other business conducted by council includes approving an employee's request to go on vacation a week early, reviewing the police report, approval of the minutes of Jan. 28 and approval of the bills for payment. Trexler advised council she received the RCN Cable Communication franchise fee payment of $13,395.51 for 2014.

Richard Burke, of Franklin Street, asked council to stop maintenance from plowing snow onto his property when plowing at Frey's Store. Hill apologized for the oversight and said it would not happen again.

The meeting adjourned 8:10 p.m. and immediately went into an executive session called by Mayor Kathleen Palmer. Police Chief Robert Palmer was asked to remain and attend the session.