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Salisbury Township Zoning Hearing Board

A day care use for a home in Salisbury Township has been approved.

The Salisbury Township Zoning Hearing Board voted 4-0, with one member absent, to approve a special exception for a home occupation day care for Albertina Cabrera, 1439 Exeter Road.

Joseph Kovach, zoner alternate, made the motion to vote, seconded by Rodney Conn, zoner vice chair.

"It looks like all specific requirements are met, except for the size of the lot," Atty. Victor F. Cavacini, ZHB solicitor said.

Zoners also voted 4-0 to approve a variance for the size of the lot, which is 8,320-square-feet. Required is a 9,600-square-feet lot.

Conn made the motion for the vote, seconded by Ronald Evans.

Hours of operation are to be 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. for up to six children.

Smoke detectors, fire extinguishers and exit lights were installed.

"We took a class," Albertina Cabrera said, noting she and her husband, Wilfredo, were aware of the requirements for day care facilities regulated by the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services.

The day care facility was approved for six children, plus the Cabreras' daughter Alicia.

A six-foot-high, solid fence with a landscaped buffer is required. If the landlord doesn't install this, the Cabreras said they would do so.

"He gave us permission to open a day care," Albertina Cabrera said.

Cynthia Sopka, Salisbury Township director of planning and zoning, noted a fire inspection would need to be made.

"We have a fire inspection program and they do that yearly," Sopka said.

The Cabreras must still obtain a family child day care home license from the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services.