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Sonny Laudenslager and leaders honored by Boy Scouts of America

Boy Scouts of America, Minsi Trails Council recently had its annual recognition dinner and meeting at Jordan Lutheran Church, Orefield.

Elwood "Sonny" Laudenslager, of Orefield, received the Boy Scout Council Alumnus of the Year Award.

This award is the Scouting Alumni Association's highest council recognition. The award was established to recognize alumni of the Boy Scouts of America who, over a sustained period of time, have used the skills and values they learned through their association with Scouting to make significant and long-lasting contributions to their local communities through their careers, avocations, and Scouting.

A BSA alumnus includes anyone positively and personally impacted by the BSA, including former Scouts, family members of Scouts past and present, community leaders, and the millions of Americans who benefit from Scouting in their communities every day.

Local leaders, including Karen Christman and David Zinkler, both of Allentown, and Platte Moring III of Lower Macungie were honored for their outstanding and distinguished service to the youth in the community and received the Silver Beaver Award.

Elwood 'Sonny' Laudenslager, of Orefield, receives the Boy Scout Council Alumnus of the Year Award from Arnold Traupman, chairman of the Minsi Trails Council Alumni Association. Scouts and their families gathered for the Boy Scouts of America, Minsi Trails Council recognition dinner and annual meeting Jan. 23 at Jordan Lutheran Church, Orefield. The alumnus award is the association's highest council recognition. PRESS PHOTOS BY C. RICHARD CHARTRAND