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County board seeks to remove negotiating power from Muller

At the Lehigh County commissioners Jan. 28 meeting, the board introduced a bill to remove contract negotiating power and control from county Executive Tom Muller.

The bill specifically looks to repeal a 31-year-old ordinance permiting the county executive to act as an agent in labor talks on behalf of the county.

Commissioner Michael Schware said granting Muller such power is acceptable as long as he follows country directives, meets with the board and fully shares progress with the members.

According to Schware, Muller has failed to act in a cooperative manner.

Muller, Schware said, failed to update the board on contact negotiations at last month's meeting.

"The executive has been unwilling to meet with the board leadership on many issues and has certainly failed to keep the board informed of the progress of county labor negotiations," Schware said.

Schware said Muller used questionable tactics during contract talks with Cedarbrook employees, specifically telling the union the board preferred selling the nursing home rather than attempting to resolve ongoing management and financial problems.

He also claimed employees of Cedarbrook were not included in union talks.

"It's not prudent to have the county executive act as our agent in labor negotiations," Schware added.

Commissioner Vic Mazziotti said Muller is placing politics over achieving the objectives of the county as a whole.

Commissioners Geoff Brace and David Jones Sr. did not co-sponsor the bill.

Jones said he will not sponsor the bill as he feels there are not enough votes for passage.

Board Chairman Brad Osborne said he is hopeful there will be more cooperation and communication between the board and the county administration, if the bill passes.

It is expected the bill will be voted on this month.

Muller was not available for comment during the meeting.