Published February 03. 2015 11:00PM
The League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania Jan. 15 invited Pennsylvania's high school students to "Get in the Game" by producing a 30-second video demonstrating and encouraging the importance of participation in the democratic process.
For its first statewide video contest for high school students in Pennsylvania, the LWVPA chose the theme "Get in the Game (Democracy is not a spectator sport)."
Contestants must be at least 13 years old and no older than 19.
The contest submission deadline is midnight, March 1.
Winners will be announced April 1.
The top entry will receive $1,000; $500 second prize; $250 third prize; and $250 for the media center of the high school with the most submissions.
Judges for the contest represent an array of professionals from across Pennsylvania.
Official contest rules and submission forms can be found at www. palwv. org/videocontest.