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At the Jan. 19 Recreation Advisory Committee meeting, committee members tentatively scheduled the Easter egg hunt for 10 a.m. March 28 at Lindberg Park.

Genny Baillie will contact the Key Club advisor at Salisbury High School to make sure an Easter event is not scheduled for the same day as the club and see if perhaps Key Club members could assist with the event.

Once the date is set, Baillie will create the flyer and waiver to distribute to the elementary schools.

The egg hunt, typically held the Saturday before Easter, has been well attended and the township places between 800 and 1,000 eggs for township children ages three to 10.

Baillie, who also organizes the summer park program, said she will soon advertise for open summer recreation positions. The minimum age to be considered is 16.

In other business, the committee reorganized, choosing Mark Wilson as chairperson, Frank Adamcik as vice chairperson and Pat Jacoby as secretary.

The committee has plans to organize a community event scheduled tentatively for fall 2016. They would like to form a committee, including residents, to plan this huge event.

The township Recreation Advisory Committee recommended retention of Urban Research & Development Corporation, which did the master plan for Lindberg Park, as consultants for the development of "a master site plan and connection study" for Laubach.

Township manager Randy Soriano and Joanne Conley, URDC, provided updates on Lindberg Park Phase I and II.

Soriano and Conley also reviewed the Laubach Park Master Site Plan preparations which Soriano said will include a large amount of public participation. He hopes to include residents and representatives from Salisbury Youth Association, school district and St. Luke's University Health Network since the hope is to connect Laubach Park to Walking Purchase Park and Bethlehem.

The next meeting of the committee is scheduled 7:30 p.m. March 17 in the municipal building.