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Letters to the Editor Writer gives kudos to Editor's View

To the Editor:

In the Nov. 26, 2014, edition of the East Penn Press, Parkland and Northwestern Press editor Deb Palmieri wrote an Editor's View about George Washington's Thanksgiving.

We appreciated her respect for President Washington and our Constitution.

To quote Ms. Palmieri, "We are a nation of laws not presidential edicts."

Let us hope government changes on or, hopefully, before 2016 so our current laws will be enforced and obeyed.

My husband and I applaud Deb Palmieri's article. May our legislators have the courage, humility, fortitude and grit to govern with integrity.

Recognizing the God-given rights of the citizenry, may our elected officials motivation be to serve, inform and protect the American people.

Carol Kozelnicky

Center Valley