Hard work gets Alcaro to 100
Senior wrestler Tom Alcaro has enjoyed a stellar final season in the Emmaus wrestling program.
He had compiled a 22-1 record heading into district duals, and the Green Hornets have gone 15-7 overall this season. The won the US Navy Duals in South Carolina, and finished runners-up in the Whitehall Duals and the Saucon Valley Invitational to open up the season. Alcaro also recently won his 100th career match.
But it hasn't come easy for Alcaro to get to this point, and a lot of sweat and tears have gone into 2014-15.
Alcaro arrived home from a wrestling tournament last May having torn two knee ligaments, along with his meniscus, and he needed surgery to repair them.
The two-sport athlete had to give up football without a doubt, but even wrestling, the sport he enjoyed the most, was still up in the air.
Eight months later, Alcaro is primed for a run at a district title and qualification for the state tournament.
Alcaro, who wrestles in the 195-pound weight class, picked up a career highlight with his 100th win in the first match of the Whitehall Duals back in early January.
"I wanted this milestone since I was a freshman," Alcaro said. "My freshman year I finished with around 32 wins, so I knew I was on track and it was achievable."
Every year since then, before that January 3 win, Alcaro said that he looks at the banners in Emmaus' auxiliary gym where the 100-win list resides. Now he will be able to see his name up there with the other great Emmaus wrestlers.
But for now, it is about staying healthy and staying consistent in winning matches.
"I would say I'm about 90 percent now," noted Alcaro. "The most important thing is getting to 100 percent for the postseason."
Alcaro went 37-6 last season and placed fourth at regionals, one spot from qualifying for states. Following the injury, he said getting to Hershey is his primary goal.
"You can't go out there and wrestle thinking about [the injury], because if you think about anything else, that's when you're going to lose," Alcaro said. "For me, it's about endurance and mind-set. Those are the most important things in this sport."
To make things even sweeter for Alcaro, his teammate and good friend Cole Franklin also reached the 100 win plateau this season.
"It's awesome," stated Alcaro. "He's my best friend and we always talked about getting 100 wins together. It's great we were able to do it in the same season."