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Lowhill Township board reorganizes for the new year

At the Jan. 5 reorganization meeting at Lowhill Township, nearly all of the previous year's positions were reappointed without opposition.

The board of supervisors will remain the same with Richard Hughes serving as both chairman and treasurer, George Wessner Jr. as vice chairman, Secretary Jill Seymour and member Robb Werley.

Next on the agenda, Joseph Kalusky was reappointed road foreman with Joseph Plaska named assistant road foreman, and Dean Newhard as a road crew member.

Additional part-timers Terry Stewart and Glenn Grim complete the township's road crew.

Charles Waters Esq., of the Steckel and Stopp law firm, continues as solicitor.

Brian Carl was reappointed township administrator and zoning officer.

The position of health board official will remain with Roy Stewart, who will also continue to serve as alternate zoning officer.

Emil Kantra Esq., Fitzpatrick, Lentz and Bubba, was reappointed as the zoning hearing board and UCC solicitor.

Judy Hoffman and Janet Henritzy remain as secretary and permit applicator. Both are also alternate township administrators.

Township auditors remain Carol Dorsch, Bob Martin, and Stacey Schappell.

Barry Isett and Associates is again appointed as the township's inspection firm and code enforcement.

The earned income tax collector will be HA Berkheimer and Associates. Carol Betz was reappointed as property tax collector and Phyllis Breininger as deputy tax collector.

New appointments included Stephen Lear and John Casciano to the planning commission; James Kuhns to the zoning hearing board; and Charles Bashore to the UCC Board of Appeals.

Supervisors will continue to meet 7:30 p.m. on the first Thursday of each month, with the exceptions of April and July, which will be held on the second Thursday of those two months.

Planning commission meetings will be 7 p.m. on the second Monday prior to the supervisors' meeting.