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College Corner

U. of Scranton

Local residents


Three Lehigh County residents were among the 63 members of The University of Scranton's undergraduate class of 2014 honored last spring for academic excellence.

Katelyn Moyer of Allentown and Meghan Lynch of Orefield were honored.

Lynch received the Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants Award.

An accounting and finance double major, Lynch was a member of the Beta Alpha Psi, Beta Gamma Sigma, Omega Beta Sigma, Omicron Delta Epsilon and Alpha Sigma Nu honor societies.

She was also a member of the business club, president of the dance team, team leader for the Student Alumni Association, studied abroad in Ireland and played intramural volleyball.

She will work for Ernst and Young in Philadelphia in their Assurance Service Sector.

Lynch graduated from Allentown Central Catholic High School.

Moyer received the Excellence in Exercise Science and Sport Award.

An exercise science major with a nutrition concentration, Moyer was a member of the Phi Epsilon Kappa, Alpha Epsilon Delta and Alpha Sigma Nu honor societies.

She was also a member of the exercise science club, Students for Suicide Prevention and Circle K. Moyer served as a peer educator for the Center for Health, Education and Wellness, an undergraduate teaching assistant and a research assistant.

She will pursue her Doctor of Physical Therapy degree at The University of Scranton.

Moyer graduated from Parkland High School.

Elizabeth Straccia was the recipient ex-aequo of the Excellence in Nursing Award as well as one of seven recipients of this year's Frank J. O'Hara Awards for General Academic Excellence.

A nursing major, Straccia was a member of the Alpha Lambda Delta, Sigma Theta Tau and Alpha Sigma Nu honor societies.

She was also president of the Student Nurse's Association, a research assistant in the nursing department, teaching assistant for the biology department and participant in the Student Nursing Challenge.

Straccia graduated from Central Catholic High School, Allentown.

PRESS PHOTO COURTESY UNIV. OF SCRANTON Patricia Harrington, Ed.D., intern provost and senior vice president for academic affairs, stands with Megan Lynch, who received the Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants Award, Elizabeth Straccia, who received the Excellence in Nursing Award, and Katelyn Moyer, who received the Excellence in Exercise Science and Sport Award at The University of Scranton's 2014 Commencement Exercise.