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Several plans have been approved to move forward projects at Lindberg Park and Laubach Park in Salisbury Township.

Lindberg on the township's west side, will see improvements for those who use the park for walking and jogging and for children who use the playground.

Laubach will embark on a study to include public input for what improvements should be made to the park on the township's east side.

The township Recreation Advisory Committee has recommended retention of Urban Research & Development Corporation, which did the master plan for Lindberg Park, as consultants for the development of "a master site plan and connection study" for Laubach.

The recommendation was made in a letter from Mark Wilson, chair, township Recreation Advisory Committee, to Salisbury Township Manager Randy Soriano, which he read at the Jan. 22 board of commissioners' meeting.

Soriano and URDC were successful in securing a Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources grant of $26,700 for the Laubach plan. The grant will be matched by the township for the total plan cost of $53,400.

A waiver for the need for a Request for Proposals for the consultancy was received Dec. 17 from DCNR, Soriano told commissioners.

"We want to move on this and start on this right away," Soriano said.

A Laubach Park study commission is to be set up. Approximately 10 members are expected to be on the committee, which is to consist of "stakeholders," Soriano said. The study commission would hold meetings over the course of about eight months, according to Soriano.

Commissioners voted unanimously 5-0, on a motion made by Commissioner Joanne Ackerman and seconded by Commissioner Robert Martucci, Jr., to approve URDC as consultant for the Laubach Park Master Site Plan, as recommended by the Recreation Advisory Committee.

Phase Two of the Lindberg Park Master Plan was also put forth by the Recreation Advisory Committee for commissioners' approval.

Phase Two will implement a $180,000 DCNR grant to build "an inter-park trail and connector to the perimeter trail," plus install fencing.

Work on the already-approved Lindberg Park perimeter trail is expected to begin in March.

The Recreation Advisory Committee also recommended to retain URDC as consultant for Phase Two. The professional fee is estimated at $75,000 and is not to exceed $80,000.

"We are on a roll," Soriano said. "Hopefully, we can get to Laubach and complete it."

Commissioners voted unanimously 5-0, on a motion made by Martucci and seconded by Commissioner Vice President Debra Brinton, to approve Phase Two of the Lindberg Park Master Plan with URDC as consultant, as recommended by the Recreation Advisory Committee.

Soriano also said the township will move ahead with Phase Three of the Lindberg Park Master Plan, with an April 16 grant application deadline.

Phase Three at Lindberg is to include a new Americans With Disabilities Act compliant pavilion, new separate men's and women's restrooms and a new "inclusive playground."

"They're well aware of what we want to do at Lindberg Park," Soriano said of state DCNR officials.

Soriano said signs would be posted at Lindberg and Laubach for these state-funded and previous state-funded park projects, as well as for funding partners on the park projects.

Commissioners voted unanimously 5-0, on a motion made by Brinton and seconded by Martucci, to approve the grant application for Phase Three of the Lindberg Park Master Plan with URDC as consultant, as recommended by the Recreation Advisory Committee.