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Osborne comments on being chairman

The Jan. 9 Lehigh County Board of Commissioners reorganization meeting may have lasted only nine minutes, but the commissioners accomplished their goal of electing a new board leader for 2015.

Commissioner Brad Osborne of South Whitehall was unanimously appointed to serve as chairman for 2015 during the meeting.

He replaces former chairwoman Lisa Scheller who served the board for two years.

Osborne said he is excited to serve as chairman and understands a great deal of trust comes along with the position.

Osborne thanked Scheller for the leadership she provided during her tenure as chairwoman.

"You have helped us come to solutions that serve not only the county but also the taxpayers," Osborne said of Scheller.

The new board chairman emailed The Press a list of his priorities for 2015.

"In the past three years, county commissioners have saved taxpayers $15 million through a series of tax cuts and rebates.

"As chairman, my primary goal is the continued vigilance of county finances, placing priority now on reviewing and shaping those policies that directly affect ongoing structural costs.

"I firmly believe we can build on our record by reducing spending and taxes again in 2016, and still responsibly provide the services needed by our residents.

Osborne said the challenge will be to change the mindset in county government that spending must keep pace with inflation.

"There is so much we can do if we don't constrain ourselves with this thinking, by using performance metrics, leverage, ingenuity and targeted investment," Osborne wrote. "It will require discipline and, I'm sure, a measure of discomfort for the unconvinced.

Osborne also said he wants to "reconstitute committee meetings to make them more productive.

"Being better equipped with information going into these meetings will allow more discussion on the merits of the legislation and encourage participation from the public," Osborne wrote. "It is often through these interactions, and less on the details, where action that addresses true concerns of the residents is taken.

"We had several examples of this process working last year, and the outcomes were rewarding.

Osborne also said Cedarbrook would not be sold.

"It is a four-star facility with extremely dedicated staff and volunteers who take pride in the professional care of our elderly and infirmed," Osborne wrote. "Our job is to provide the resources and infrastructure necessary to sustain this care and commitment, and identify how to do this economically within the framework of a long-range plan.

"I am committed to leading the initiative that will provide a community-backed solution to achieve this goal."

Also during the meeting, Commissioner Vic Mazziotti was unanimously elected vice chairman.

Commissioner David Jones Sr. previously served as vice chairman.

Mazziotti said he expects to ask Jones for guidance during the coming year.

The board of commissioners is comprised of nine members and meets 7:30 p.m. the second and fourth Wednesday of each month in the Lehigh County Government Center, 17th S. Seventh St., Allentown.

Brad Osborne