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A new member of the Salisbury Township Planning Commission is being sought.

Joseph Hebelka, planning commission secretary, has told the township board of commissioners he does not want to continue as a planner but will continue to serve until a successor is appointed.

Hebelka represents the 5th Ward. Ideally, a person from the 5th Ward would be proposed by Commissioner Joanne Ackerman for the four-year term.

"Unfortunately, Mr. Hebelka, after many years, has decided he's had enough," Salisbury Township Manager Randy Soriano said.

Discussion of the planning commission appointment was part of several appointments to boards and commissions approved by township commissioners at the Jan. 8 meeting.

Commissioner Robert Martucci, Jr. made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Vice President Debra Brinton, to vote on the appointments.

On the township Zoning Hearing Board, Todd Laudenschlager, representing the 3rd Ward, has agreed to serve another five-year term. Brinton put forth the appointment.

Also agreeing to serve five-year terms as zoning board alternates are Joseph Kovach, from the 2nd Ward, proposed by Commissioner James Seagreaves, and Jason D. Wright, of the 3rd Ward, also put forth by Brinton.

For the township recreation commission, it was uncertain if Antonella DiMatteo, of the 2nd Ward, would serve another five-year term. The appointment would be put forth by Seagreaves, who said he would contact DiMatteo.

On the township Environmental Advisory Council, agreeing to new three-year terms are Glenn Miller, vice chair, of the 4th Ward, put forth by Commissioner President James A. Brown and Mary Anne Stinner, 5th Ward, nominated by Ackerman.

"Glenn Miller will stay on until the MS4 project is completed. That means a long time," Soriano quipped.

Also, for the township vacancy board, Dan Moyer, 4th Ward, is willing to serve another one year-term.

On the township building board of appeals, Tom Grello, has agreed to serve another five-year at-large term.

Commissioners also voted 5-0 to appoint Letitia Debus as the township deputy tax collector. Debus, township utility billing clerk, would serve in the event of the illness of Tax Collector-Treasurer Linda Minger.

Ackerman made the motion, seconded by Martucci.

The township commissioners next meet 7 p.m. Jan. 22 in the municipal building.

PRESS PHOTO BY PAUL WILLISTEIN The 2015 Salisbury Township Planning Commission, seated, from left: Stephen J. McKitish Jr., vice chair; Charles Beck, chair; planner Glenn Miller, and standing, from left: Director, Planning and Zoning Cynthia Sopka, planner Dr. William R. Licht, planner Richard Hassick, planner Richard Schreiter and planning commission solicitor Atty. John W. Ashley.