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ReP. MacKenzie

Rep. Ryan Mackenzie, R-134th, has announced that his office is accepting nominations for a local student to receive a scholarship to attend Valley Forge Military College.

Mackenzie has the ability to appoint one student under the Valley Forge Military College Legislative Appointment Initiative, which is similar to the federal program appointing cadets to the military educational institutions at West Point, the Naval Academy and the Air Force Academy.

The Legislative Appointment Initiative is open to graduating high school seniors who reside within the 134th Legislative District.

Students must have at least a 2.5 high school grade point average and scored 1,000 or above on the SAT or 20 or higher on the ACT.

"This is an excellent opportunity for a young man or woman interested in a military career to receive a substantial scholarship to attend a world-class institution," said Mackenzie. "I encourage any interested students to apply."

The student who is selected is guaranteed acceptance to Valley Forge Military College for fall 2015 and will receive a minimum of $12,000 in scholarship aid per year for up to two years.

The appointee will also be eligible to participate in the U.S. Army's Early Commissioning Program at VFMC.

The scholarship is provided directly by the college, and is not funded by state taxpayer dollars.

The deadline to apply is Feb. 15.

Individuals interested in learning more about this opportunity should contact Ken Navitsky in Mackenzie's district office at 610-965-9933.

Additional information about the Legislative Appointment Initiative, along with the Valley Forge Military College application, is available by visiting Mackenzie's website at www.RepMackenzie.com.