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The Helping Hands of the Church of St. Ann in Emmaus distribute Christmas cheer

On the evening of Dec. 19, 2014, a small army of volunteers converged on St. Ann School in Emmaus to sort food, pack boxes and wrap presents.

The volunteers were participants in the St. Ann Helping Hands program.

Through the program, parishioners, school children and Knights of Columbus provide food and gifts to folks in need.

Mike Elwert, Nicole Freeman and Ben Servagno co-chair the Helping Hands committee which celebrates Christmas by providing identified families with holiday dinners and presents. Everyone is encouraged to pitch in.

St. Ann school students who donated gifts were treated to a dress down day. Adults from all segments of the parish community responded to the call by supplying the essentials for numerous festive dinners and the committee purchased hams to complete the meals. Children, retirees, young adults and families gave their resources and time to send food, gifts and goodwill.

PRESS PHOTOS BY BEVERLY SPRINGER Alison Trautman, of Emmaus, donates her time to families in need.