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QWhat grade are you currently in?

A I am in 12th grade at Salisbury High School.

Q What is your favorite subject? Why?

AMy favorite subject is probably science. Science is always changing and growing. New discoveries are made everyday, keeping constant interest. Understanding science allows us to understand how we work and how the world around us works.

Q Have you received any special awards or recognition?

A I am a scholar athlete nominee for District XI Tennis. I am also third in the senior class. I lettered three years in tennis and qualified for districts my junior and senior years.

Q What extracurricular activities are you involved in, both in and out of school?

AI have played girls tennis for four years. I am currently the treasurer of student government association. I also serve as a school board liaison for SGA. Key Club, Model United Nations, National Honor Society and FBLA are some other clubs I am involved in. Dance is another one of my extracurriculars. I am a competitive dancer for the Elite dance team of Steps in Time Dance Academy.

Q What is your next goal after high school?

A Attend college as a biomedical engineering major.

Q What would you say your biggest challenge was so far?

A Balance, without a doubt. In high school, most of us have three lives we have to balance social, athletic and academic. Finding balance in all three has definitely been my biggest challenge.

Q What do you want to be remembered for?

AI want to be remembered as a well-rounded student and person. I hope I've made a positive influence on all of my peers throughout the years, and I hope I continue to do so.

Q Who is in your family?

A I have a 12-year-old brother named Aaron. He is currently in seventh grade at Salisbury Middle School. My parents' names are Andrew and Nancy.

Q Do you have someone you look up to?

A I have looked up to my older cousins, Taylor, Lauren and Morgan since I was young. They are extremely independent, intelligent and inspiring. My cousins push me to my full potential, but they also always know how to fave fun.

Q Do you have any advice for your peers?

A It's important to never take a moment for granted. High school is a time to have fun and make memories, but it's also important to work hard and stay determined. Your hard work will pay off.