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CENTRAL CATHOLIC COLUMN Midterm exams scheduled for all students Jan. 13 to 15

The Allentown Central Catholic family hopes everyone had a joyful holiday and wishes all a happy new year.

The teachers, administrators and staff hope everyone found time for friends and family and was able to spread cheer to all those around. As the holiday is not yet over, we pray everyone is able to stay safe and enjoy the remaining time with the people they care about.

Central Catholic students will have midterm exams soon after returning to school.

In-class exams for certain juniors and seniors will be held Jan. 9, 12 and 16. These exams are administered during regular class time to students who may be taking two maths or sciences. This is done to avoid conflicts during the regular exam schedule.

Midterm exams will be held for all students Jan. 13 through 15.

Students will take two exams each day, beginning at the regular start time. Students will be dismissed at noon on exam days so they will have the opportunity to prepare for subsequent tests.

The exam schedule and room assignments are posted in classrooms.

Students will not report to CCHS Jan. 19; a teacher in-service day is scheduled.

Catholic Schools Week is scheduled for Jan. 25 through 31.