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If you could ask the President of the United States a question, what would it be?

To the Editor:

I would like to ask the President of the United States why we have to take the outrageous PSSAs every year?

We shouldn't have to take the PSSAs because we already take regular tests in school. We are only in seventh grade and we waste two weeks of our learning time to take the PSSAs every year, when we could be learning more topics we need to know to get out of the seventh grade and to be prepared for eighth grade.

For those two weeks we will be all worried about the PSSAs and be afraid of how hard it is when it doesn't even count toward our school grades; in fact, they don't count for anything!

Then again, the PSSAs let you know if you are ready and on the same path as the other students to go into the next grade. For the PSSAs you have to get a proficient or ad-vanced to pass, so you would really need to be prepped and ready for the biggest test ever.

According to the Pennsylvania Department of Education they say the PSSAs, "prepare us for life."

This states my question for the President of the United States that we should not have to take the PSSAs and just have regular tests throughout the school year to prepare for life. Who better to prepare us than the teachers– not the state.

Molly Foust

Salisbury Middle School