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25 mph approved for Lindberg, 33rd

Speed limits along 33rd Street and Lindberg Avenue will be reduced to 25 mph.

The lowering of the speed limit along the length of 33rd Street, between Lehigh Street and East Emmaus Avenue, and Lindberg Avenue between 24th Street and South Cedar Crest Boulevard, will not take place immediately.

Signs must be posted stating the 25 mph speed limit before traffic enforcement can begin.

"Once the signs are installed, according to PennDOT regulations, it will be enforced," Salisbury Township Police Chief Allen W. Stiles said.

The signs are to be installed by township public works department employees.

"Once that happens, we will do education with signs," Stiles said.

Research by township solicitor Atty. John W. Ashley determined the township is allowed to lower the speed limit under the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statues Title 75 (Vehicle Code) Section 3362 a 1.2.

It was determined 33rd Street and Lindberg Avenue are not numbered highways and were not established by the state.

The Salisbury Township Code of Ordinances, Chapter 15, Part 2, Traffic Regulations, 201.1, will be amended to establish a 25 miles per hour maximum speed limit in the designated approved areas of 33rd Street and Lindberg Avenue.

Township Commissioner James Seagreaves made the motion to bring the ordinance to lower the speed limit on 33rd Street to a vote, seconded by Commissioner Vice President Debra Brinton. The ordinance passed 4-0 with one commissioner absent at the Dec. 18 meeting.

Township Commissioner Robert Martucci, Jr. made the motion to bring the ordinance to lower the speed limit on Lindberg Avenue to a vote, seconded by Brinton. The ordinance passed 4-0 with one commissioner absent at the Dec. 18 meeting.

Commissioners voted 5-0 at the Dec. 4 township meeting to table the speed limits lowering pending further research by Ashley.

There are two different speed limits posted for 33rd Street: 35 mph and 25 mph, between West Emmaus Avenue and Lehigh Street.

Lindberg Avenue is in a residential area, where the default speed limit in the state is 25 mph.