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Weisenberg Santa Run on Dec. 20

Outgoing Fire Chief Scott Freeman started off the Weisenberg supervisors meeting by bringing the new fire truck to the meeting for all to see.

The board and audience members visited the parking lot to examine the new truck and to see a demonstration of some of the equipment.

After reconvening inside in the warm meeting room, Freeman said the fire company will have its annual Santa Run Dec. 20.

He said, as of Jan. 1, 2015, the new fire chief would be Brian Carl, Weisenberg Township administrator.

The truck is a 4 wheel drive, 2014 Panther/Predator model manufactured by KME Fire Apparatus of Nesquehoning. The water tank size is 1000 gallons with a pump capable of pumping at the rate of 2,000 gallons per minute.

A 20-gallon foam tank is included on the vehicle, along with a light tower and cargo space for equipment storage. The truck seats six firefighters.

The board then discussed the new budget. It is available for viewing by the public at the township office. The millage rate will remain the same as last year, .56 mills. Out of this millage, .42 mills is directed to the General Fund while .07 mills goes to the public works department and .07 mills is directed to the fire department.

Supervisors then adopted a resolution to formalize the budget and another resolution to set the millage rate.

The board adopted a resolution placing Kenneth and Diane Geh-ringer's 35.878 acres on Log House Road in the Agriculture Security Area.

After issuing a RFP (request for proposal) for a firm to audit the township books, only one qualified bid was received.

Therefore, the undertaking was awarded to France, Anderson, Basile and Company. This firm has been auditing the township books for several years.

A proposed amendment relating to sketch plans in the township's subdivision and land development ordinance will be advertised for adoption at the February 2015 meeting.

The ordinance relating to the PSATS insurance will also be advertised for adoption at the January meeting.

The Sanctuary at Haafsville was awarded the contract to pick up stray animals within the township. The contract is for $750 for the year.

There was discussion on a proposed building lot on Golden Key Road.

The applicant wants to subdivide a lot out of the parent parcel and have access to Golden Key Road over an easement already being used by another residence.

Township ordinance only allows one lot per driveway.

The board thought since the land was in Ag preservation, it would be appropriate to use as little land as possible and it would be suitable to allow both houses to access the same driveway.

Supervisors agreed to waive this requirement.

Roadmaster Tony Werley had nothing to report other than the crew is doing normal winter maintenance on the roads.

Solicitor Donald Lipson said there will be a zoning board hearing on Jan. 14, 2015, concerning a pole building on the fire company lot.

The building is currently leased to another party. The use does not meet the parking standards of the ordinance and the tenant was sent a notice of violation.

He is appealing this notice to the zoning hearing board. The board requested Lipson attend to represent the township on this matter.

Supervisor Bob Milot would like to transfer money and pay down the fire company loan next year.

The other members of the board were in agreement.

Administrator Brian Carl noted PennDOT wants to do safety improvements at the intersection of Old 22 and Route 863, including line painting and installation of "Stop Ahead" signs on each road leading into the intersection.

The board is in agreement with this as long as the township is not responsible for maintenance.

Cetronia Ambulance Service coverage for the township will commence at 6 a.m. Jan. 1, 2015.

Two insurance plans the township is enrolled in were up for discussion.

One plan appears to give better coverage and should be considered and the remaining plan dropped.

Carl was requested to obtain more information on both plans by next meeting. The Old 22 road survey was discussed at length. Three proposals were received but the board had many questions.

Some items were unclear relating to meeting times and billings.

Barry Isett, Keystone Consulting Engineers and Oley Valley Consultants were the three bidders.

The Isett bid was the lowest, but questions arose on the rates per hour for meetings with PennDOT.

Carl will seek more details from each of the consultants for the next meeting.