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Local resident


Army Pvt. Erik M. Ayers has graduated from One Station Unit Training at Fort Leonard Wood, Waynesville, Mo.

The course of instruction included basic combat military training and advanced individual training.

During basic training, Ayers received instruction in drill and ceremonies, weapons, map reading, tactics, military courtesy, military justice, physical fitness, first aid, and Army history and traditions.

During AIT, the soldier was trained to be a bridge crewmember and learned to operate bridge trucks, light vehicles and bridge erection boats; prepare bridge sites and handle shore lines; assist in rafting operations and assembly of military bridges and installation of overhead anchorage system components; launch and retrieve ribbon bridge bays; prepare and install demolition firing systems, and arm and disarm land mines.

Ayers is the son of Robert Ayers of Allentown.

He is a 2012 graduate of William Allen High School, Allentown.