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Paint chipping off bridge in Heidelberg Township

Representatives from six townships, Lynn, Heidelberg, Lowhill, Weisenberg, Washington and North Whitehall, met for their quarterly meeting Dec. 8 in the Washington Township Municipal Building.

Washington Township Roadmaster Tom Dengler said his road crew is still finishing leaf collection. The weather has been delaying the work. They are working on brush cutting.

"Someone is stealing stop signs," Dengler said. The township has run out of replacements and has to buy more.

Lynn Township Roadmaster Bruce Raber said his crew is trimming trees and working on the dirt roads.

They are making sure drainage is working considering the rain expected that night. Equipment is being prepared for winter. They have started patching roads and boom mowing.

Lowhill has finished painting a bridge and is doing cold patching. The Tiger mower is in use and there is a lot of equipment maintenance, said Assistant Roadmaster Joe Kalusky.

Heidelberg Supervisor David Fink said his township's salt piles are half what they were last year.

He said the salt is coming in slow from Cargill. Roadmaster Kevin Huber said last year Cargill salt could be picked up in Northampton, if needed, but this year the storage yard is in Bristol.

Prices are also higher than a year ago. Huber said the salt spreaders need work.

A bridge on Rex Road was painted but the paint failed. It is chipping and peeling even though the three-step method recommended by PennDOT was used.

The painters will come back and repeat the job with the cost being split by them and the paint company, Huber said.

Washington Township Supervisor Roy Dengler reported the capacity for the Old Mill Road bridge had to be lowered to four tons, which means school buses have to go around.

Fink was surprised to see the lower limit when he came to the meeting. It was 30 tons and now it is limited at 4 tons.

Fink told the others the Northwestern Ambulance Corps is ceasing operations in February 2015.

Discussions are ongoing with NOVA and Cetronia to try and ensure service.