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Following a public hearing on the new Salisbury Township zoning ordinances, the Salisbury Township Planning Commission reiterated its support of the ordinance.

After discussion of some fine points at the Dec. 9 hearing, planners voted 5-0 with two planners absent, to recommend approval of the ordinance to the Salisbury Township Board of Commissioners.

Prior to the vote, Chairman Charles Beck said, "Before we do anything, I want to thank everyone, including those in the audience."

Added Secretary Joseph Hebelka, "Including the community advisors."

"That will continue," Adele Clemmer said, a former township planning commission member and a member of the Neighborhood Advisory Committee, composed of homeowners who live in the vicinity of Lehigh Valley Hospital - Cedar Crest.

"I think we have a good ordinance," Richard Schreiter said, who made the motion to bring the ordinance to a vote. The motion was seconded by Glenn Miller.

A key new portion of the zoning ordinance is the proposed Health Care Overlay District in the vicinity of Lehigh Valley Hospital - Cedar Crest. The overlay district was hammered out over many months, with input from the neighborhood group.

Committee members voted 6-0 at the Oct. 14 meeting to recommend approval of the ordinance pending the public hearing.

A copy of the new township zoning ordinance was sent Oct. 9 to the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission, which had 45 days upon receipt to review it.

Planners, commissioners and township officials had a goal of getting the new zoning ordinance approved and in place by year's end for implementation after the start of the new year.

However, commissioners' approval is contingent upon LVPC approval and additional input from Urban Research & Development Corp., consultant for the ordinance.

Salisbury commissioners next meet 7 p.m. Dec. 18.

It could not be immediately determined as of deadline for Salisbury Press as to whether a vote on the new zoning ordinance is on the Dec. 18 township meeting agenda. Commissioners are also to hold a public hearing on the zoning ordinance prior to voting on it.

A draft of the proposed Salisbury Township zoning ordinance and a zoning map may be viewed on the Salisbury Township website, salisburytownshippa.org.

Those attending the Dec. 9 township planning commission meeting included: Atty. Timothy J. Siegfried, Norris McLaughlin & Marcus, P.A., representing Lehigh Valley Health Network, which operates Lehigh Valley Hospital - Cedar Crest; James A. Rothdeutsch, of The Pidcock Company, LVHN engineering consultant; Charlie Schmehl, vice president, Urban Research & Development Corp., planners' consultant; David J. Tettemer, Keystone Consulting Engineers, Inc., township consulting engineer and Cynthia Sopka, Salisbury Township Director of Planning and Zoning.

Salisbury has adopted a new comprehensive plan, which sets forth township land use. The township updated its Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance.

The zoning ordinance, which carries out and enforces the SALDO, has been some three years in the making.