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College Corner

Kutztown Univ.

Student chosen

for forum

Kutztown University student Kendra O'Donnell of Breinigsville was selected to take part in the annual PASSHE Women's Consortium 26th annual Undergraduate Women's Leadership Institute in August at the McKeever Environmental Learning Center in Sandy Lake.

This forum provides guidance on the leadership potential of female students. It creates an empowering experience for women as leaders, challenging women to realize their full potential as leaders. Women are connected with other women that share a vision of this social change.

Instructional sessions are instructed by women that may become potential role models and mentors. All sessions are interactive, requiring participants to engage in discussions, role plays, and simulations.

There is also the opportunity to meet in small groups to process and apply information as well as learn from each other's experiences. Additionally, guest speakers, outdoor recreation, and team building exercises also generate various learning opportunities.