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At the Dec. 3 operations committee meeting of the Salisbury Township School District, members had the first reading of Policy 806 - Child Abuse.

"This is a total rewrite based on 21 different laws in the last several years," Director Robert Fischer said.

Changes to the policy were reviewed by the solicitor. Changes include a required three hours of training every five years for every employee in the district effective Jan. 1, 2015, including bus drivers, cafeteria workers, substitute teachers and coaches. Administrators will develop procedures for training volunteers. Every employee will also need background checks and clearances.

Business Administrator Robert Bruchak presented the 2013-2014 audit summary which showed an excess in revenue over projected budget and a decrease in expenses over projected budget.

Local revenues of real estate income, earned income and delinquent real estate taxes came in higher than projected.

State revenues of tuition and special education also came in higher than projected.

Bruchak said the audit will help determine budget numbers for the 2015-2016 budget which is currently being prepared.

The committee also discussed the contribution from the state for the 2015-2016 school year since there will be a new governor. The governor's budget is expected in March 2015.

In the fund balance, the committee was asked to assign $896,533 for Bruchak to complete the audit.

The committee chose to assign $298,845 to the 2015-2016 budget; $298,844 to the Public School Employee's Retirement System stabilization and $298,844 to capital projects. The committee was assured it could reassign the money if needed at a later date.

Bruchak also provided the committee with a first look at the 2015-2016 budget.

Showing projected revenues and expenses, approximately $700,000 is still needed.

Bruchak said the Act I index is 1.9 percent which, if used, would bring in $442,402.

Additional budget discussions will continue at the Jan. 5, 2015 operations committee meeting.

At the Jan. 14, 2015 board meeting, the decision will be made whether the board wants to legally stay within the 1.9 percent Act I index.

Bruchak said administration will work on reviewing the expenditures and make appropriate recommendations for cost containment.

At the Feb. 2, 2015 operations committee meeting, the detailed preliminary budget will be presented with an approval of the preliminary budget expected at the Feb. 11, 2015 board meeting.