student of the week
QWhat grade are you in?
A I am in 12th grade at Emmaus High School.
QWhat is your favorite subject? Why?
ASocial Studies is my favorite subject, especially American History. I am interested in our country's history and exploring the past.
QHave you received any special awards or recognition?
ALast year, I received my Eagle Scout Award, the culmination of my Boy Scout career. That same year I was inducted into National Honor Society and the National German Honor Society. I have also received the EHS Academic Award, Principal's Honor Roll, the AP Scholar with Honors Award and a first place at Penn State's German Day in 2014.
QAre you involved in any extracurricular activities?
AAs mentioned previously I am involved in Scouting. In school I am involved with our theatrical productions and most recently I was in "The Diary of Anne Frank," Chorale, Fermata Nowhere, Debate Team, Kid-to-Kid and FBLA.
QWhat is your next goal after high school?
AI plan to study finance in college. I will most likely attend Penn State University.
QWhat would you say your biggest challenge has been so far?
ATrying to strike a balance between my extracurricular activities and the mounds of school work that seem to pile up each night.
QWhat do you want to be remembered for?
AI would like to be remembered for my calm, kind demeanor and sense of humor.
QWho is in your family?
AMy father, Paul, my mother, Tammy, my sister, Alison and my dog Lucky.
QDo you have someone you look up to?
AThis a hard question for me to answer, but it would have to be my mom and dad.
QDo you have any advice for your peers?
AStep out of your comfort zone and try something new. Also, you do not have to do things just to fit in; do what you really enjoy.