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En Glee Bissell des un Sell

Der Baydawg is widder doe,

Un es glabbert yo so in der Kich;

Blendy arwet fer mich,

Welsh-hawna un lots funn socha,

Muss ich now ready

macha in der Kich;

Es is g'shpboss fer mich,

Kucha un feel boi,

Shtana shunt in ra roi In der Kich;

Oh, es shwitzed mich.

De kinner kumma ol hame,

Wil wetta se acta wider

es same in der Kich;

Ei, es lechered mich.

Eb mer essa, duhna mer bayda,

Shpater shwappa mer

resayda in der Kich;

Blendy harlichkate fer mich.

Der baydawg kumt un gayed,

Guta werta g'blonsed

un g'sayed in der Kich;

Es is ol so fraylich fer mich.

Thanksgiving Day is here again,

And there is much

noise in the kitchen;

Plenty work for me.

Turkey and lots of things

I must now make in the kitchen;

It is a pleasure for me.

Cakes and many pies already stand in a row in the kitchen.

Oh, it makes me sweat.

The children all come home,

And I bet they will act the same as they did in the kitchen.

Oh, it makes me laugh.

Before we eat, we pray,

Later we swap our

recipes in the kitchen;

Plenty happiness for me.

Thanksgiving Day came and went;

Good words planted and said in the kitchen;

It is all so pleasurable for me.

From "Es Bobbelmoul Schreibt"

(The ChatterBox Writes, Nov. 24, 1955)

by Florence Baver.