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A minor subdivision has been approved following disposition of an alley that never was built.

The Salisbury Township Planning Commission voted 6-0, with one planner absent at its Nov. 12 meeting, to recommend approval of three variances, one deferral and the overall plan, pending resolution of the alley.

Planner Dr. William R. Licht made the motion for the vote, seconded by Planner Richard Hassick.

Planner Joseph Hebelka, secretary, made the motion to recommend approval of the preliminary-final minor subdivision plan, seconded by Planner Vice Chairman Glenn Miller.

Salisbury Township Commissioners voted 5- 0 at its Nov. 13 meeting, to approve vacating the unnamed alley.

Commissioner Joanne Ackerman made the motion to bring the ordinance to a vote, seconded by Robert Martucci, Jr.

The commissioners' vote followed a brief public hearing on the alley.

The alley was to have extended between Stanley Avenue and Salisbury Road. The alley was never built or named.

No township residents attended the hearing.

The votes clear the way for two single bi-level homes to be built along Salisbury Road on the township's east side. Remodeling of an existing house is underway.

Planners approved a waiver for Lehigh County Conservation District review.

"I did look at the erosion control plan," township Consulting Engineer David J. Tettemer of Keystone Consulting Engineers, Inc., said.

"The slope on site is not very severe," township Director of Planning and Zoning Cynthia Sopka said.

"The amount of earth disturbance is not going to be severe," Tettemer said.

"Sometimes there are impacts from Lehigh Mountain runoff," Sopka said.

"Also, there are a lot of seeps. So, you might want to contact the township [before excavation]," Sopka said.

Planners approved a waiver for side lot lines not being perpendicular. Tettemer said he had no engineering objection to this.

Planners approved a waiver for five shade trees along the property's front.

Planners approved a deferral for sidewalks. There are none in the vicinity, Tettemer said.

The subdivision plan of 0229 Ventures, LLC, which was submitted by Benchmark Civil Engineering Services, Inc., is in the township's R-4 medium density residential zoning district. There is access to public water and sewer service.

A letter from Sopka noted the plan's expiration date was extended from Oct. 6 to Nov. 30.

Atty. Bernard M. Telatovich, vice president, Benchmark Civil Engineering Services, Inc., represented the developer, 0229 Ventures, LLC, at planners' meetings.

A sketch plan for the subdivision was presented at the June planners' meeting.