Published November 04. 2014 11:00PM
In recognition of Veterans Day Miller-Keystone Blood Center is sponsoring a social media photo contest, #MKBCMyVeteran, Nov. 3 through 13.
According to Sean Tinney, director of marketing, the campaign is designed to increase awareness and demonstrate appreciation for veterans and local heroes at home and overseas.
To participate in the blood center's social media campaign, individuals are asked to submit a photo of a family member, friend or historical figure who served, inspires them and why. Self-portraits are also permitted. Photos can be submitted through Nov. 10 and should be submitted to the Blood Center at
The individual who submits the winning photo, based on the accumulation of social media "likes." "shares" and "re-tweets," by Nov. 13 will receive a military-themed gift basket with movie tickets, memorabilia and snacks.
For every submission received, a Miller-Keystone Blood Center employee will also write a personalized note to a local veteran stationed overseas.
For more information or to submit a photo, visit