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Harhart faces two challengers on ballot in 183rd

The Press asked the candidates what the most pressing issue was facing residents of the 183rd Legislative District and what their stand on that issue is.

Incumbent Republican Julie Harhart

As we approach Election Day, I believe the major concern of voters is the economy and jobs. In addition, property taxes run a close second.

People want a family sustaining job with potential for growth. They don't want a handout. They also believe government's role is to provide the environment for job creation through public policy initiatives that will unleash our economy and job creators.

That is why I believe we must continue to focus on fiscal responsibility, private-sector job creation, and prioritize spending in Harrisburg.

My voting record on these issues has earned me the Guardian of Small Business Award from the National Federation of Independent Business.

Also, I support the Property Tax Independence Act which would eliminate property taxes for homeowners.

I will continue to advocate for children, seniors and working families and be accountable and accessible to all the constituents in the 183rd Legislative District.

Independent Michael Molovinski

I believe the paramount issue that should be on all the voters' minds is pension reform. It is the underfunded pension that is the major budget issue in our educational system, and many other aspects of state government.

Democrats are solidly against reform, because of direct union influence and support. The irony is that the proposed reform would apply only to new hires, while the pension for all existing employees would not be affected.

Even the Republicans have failed to pass pension reform, despite controlling the Governor's Mansion and both Houses of state government. Harrisburg is paralyzed by partisan politics, and elected officials who are more concerned with getting re-elected, than doing the people's work.

I'm proud to be an Independent candidate, and have faith the voters of the 183rd District realize change from politics as usual is exactly what is needed.

Democrat Terri Powell

People in my district are most concerned about funding for education and increasing property taxes.

My top priority in Harrisburg will be to work to restore the $1.2 billion cut in Gov. Corbett's budgets and rubber-stamped by our current representative.

We need to increase revenues for the state by imposing an extraction tax on Marcellus Shale gas, expand Medicaid and close the Delaware loophole, for starters.

The state's not living up to its obligations to our schools has resulted in soaring property taxes and loss of jobs.

There are people in the 183rd, mostly seniors, who are in danger of losing their fully paid-off homes because they can no longer afford their property taxes.

Teachers and support staff have been laid-off, schools closed and programs eliminated. Our children are suffering because of this.

This is unconscionable and so is not charging gas drillers an extraction tax at least equal to what they pay in other states, which leaves over $1billion in revenue lost per year and several billion over the last four years.

With extraction rates continually growing, that revenue will only increase over time.